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About Us

About CougsFirst!

CougsFirst! is a business network that encourages Washington State University alumni and friends to Think CougsFirst! for products, services, and hiring.

Through a combination of special events, social media and advertising CougsFirst! provides a network for WSU alumni and friends to connect and interact in a positive business environment.  

CougsFirst! educates WSU alumni and friends about businesses -owned, -managed and -affiliated with WSU alumni.

Meet the Team


Reconnect, Network, Discover

CougsFirst! is a business network that encourages WSU alumni and friends to Think CougsFirst! for their products, services, and hiring. With over 240,000+ loyal alumni spanning across the globe, our mission is for Cougs to support Coug businesses.

WSU Network Statistics

Network Statistics Graphic - 2025

How the CougsFirst! network can benefit you


Sponsors make connections resulting in new business.


Many employers hire Cougs specifically for their loyalty, passion and work ethic.

How to engage with CougsFirst!

There are many ways to participate in our network, including: attending trade shows, posting and searching for jobs/internships on handshake, looking for Cougar businesses and following us on social media.
