Boost Your Business with Cougs
Promote your business with Coug-owned, -managed, and -affiliated marketing services!
We encourage you to Think CougsFirst! for your products, services, and hiring. “Cougle It” on the CougsFirst! Business Directory to find a business that fits your needs.

Join Us at Our March After Hours
Come out for our next monthly After Hours networking event at Coug-owned, Marco Polo Bar & Grill!
Date: Thursday, March 7th
Time: 5:00 PM
Hosted the same night as the WSU Men’s Basketball game vs. UW – if you can’t be in Beasley for the final Apple Cup of Men’s Basketball, be at Marco Polo and enjoy some of their Famous Broasted Chicken!
Exhibit at the CougsFirst! Show & Career Expo
Register your booth for the 10th Annual CougsFirst! Show and the 2nd Annual Career Expo on Friday, May 10th!
Exhibit at the CougsFirst! Show to showcase your products and services to hundreds of Washington State University alumni and friends. Exhibit at the Career Expo earlier in the day too to find candidates for open full-time and part-time positions!